Thanks to a generous and unexpected donation last night, we were able to purchase a PO Box this morning. Now we have an address, which is quite helpful.
We Are Official!
As of the morning of 12/8/2020, the Historic Highway 99 Association of California is now officially incorporated as a California Non-Profit Public Benefit Corporation. We can now really begin our work. Positions are still available as well. This is great news, certainly for Historic US 99.
Association Positions Available
We are anticipating getting our incorporation processed in the next two-three weeks. After it is official, it will be time to get things going. Our board, as it is presently structured, will be needing a Secretary, Outreach Coordinator, and Regional Coordinators. We currently have a President and Treasurer. These are all volunteer positions and are greatly needed to get this association up and running. Below are some basic descriptions of each position. If you are interested in any of these positions, please let us know and we will discuss further what is needed. This will be a great opportunity to do make a lasting mark on the legacy of Historic US Highway 99 in California. We look forward to hearing from you!
Secretary (Board Member):
The Secretary will be responsible for the records of the organization and shall keep a record of minutes of all board meetings. They may also assist with other tasks such as fundraising and any other efforts as directed. They will also help keep our website updated with information from our Outreach and Regional Coordinators as needed.
Outreach Coordinator (Board Member):
Our Outreach Coordinator will be in charge of the Regional Coordinators for each region. They will be the primary contact for our Regional Coordinators and will help develop various projects such as signing, fundraising, public events, and other outreach programs. They will also keep the board updated on our projects.
Regional Coordinators:
Regional coordinators are the heartbeat of local operations for the Historic Highway 99 Association of California (Association). The job is unique to the organization, as it has a twofold mission. They are not only responsible for research and development for our operations in the localities under our purview, but are also responsible for conveying that information up and down the chain of the organization to the President, Secretary, Treasurer, Outreach Coordinator, Members, and local Communities (when applicable) in a timely and professional manner as well. The job encompasses duties of Researcher, Developer, Telemarketer, Brand Ambassador, Developer, Informational Officer and Manager. They primarily report to the Outreach Coordinator.
Regional Coordinators preferably shall possess a professional or personal background or knowledge related to California’s Highway System or other Historic / Preservation efforts, although it is not required.
Highway 99 Week
In 1947, the Kern County Board of Supervisors designated the week of November 17-22 as “US Highway 99 Week”. This was to commemorate the importance of the highway in Kern County and promote the highway improvements which were needed at the time. US 99 still had a lot of two and three lane sections of highway until 1952 through the area. Bakersfield, the largest city in Kern County, wouldn’t be bypassed by a freeway until 1962. An organization called the “US Highway 99 Association, Incorporated” also spoke before the board in favor of this designation.
What a week to get the Historic Highway 99 Association of California going!
Association News
For the time being, to keep updated on news from our organization, please click on the Subscribe button on the right side of the page or add your e-mail address below. Any updates on our progress will be posted and sent out to all subscribers. We plan a regular newsletter after we obtain our tax-exempt status and are able to raise funds.