
Membership Benefits:

  • Helping us advance our goal of preserving and promoting Historic US Highway 99.
  • Helping pay for Historic Route signs along the roadway and events.
  • Tax deduction as we are a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation
  • Members-Only online presentations on US 99 history.
  • Members get one vote at general meetings.
  • Business and Organization members also get listed on our Highway 99 Businesses page and qualify for our “Featured Business” section of our monthly newsletter.
  • Bragging rights that you’re helping save California’s Main Street.

Memberships are annual and renew one year after the month joined.


Joined April 7, 2021 – Renewal April 30, 2022.

In the future we may offer more. We presently do not offer a mailed newsletter due to costs. This website does have monthly news updates, which is our de facto newsletter for the time being. We are also working on benefits like discounts to various museums or events. We may also offer items such as hats and t-shirts in the near future for certain membership levels. Business and Organization members will be added to our 99 Supporters online listing.

Membership Levels:

Membership LevelCost
Individual$20 / yr
Family$30 / yr (per household)
Business$30 / yr *
Organization$30 / yr *

* Cost is waived for one year if the organization or business donates a Historic Route sign or the equivalent cost.

Ways to Join:

By Mail:

Please make checks payable to the Historic Highway 99 Association of CA and mail along with your application to:

Historic Highway 99 Association of California
PO BOX 178065
San Diego, CA 92177

If you would like to be a member of our organization, please fill out and mail in the application using this printable form and a check or use the application below. Come join us and help us make sure Historic US Highway 99 is around for all to enjoy both now and in the future! Your contributions will help make that a reality.

Instructions for the online application

  1. Fill out the all applicable portions of the form and use the Submit Button to complete your membership application.
  2. After clicking Submit and getting the “Your form has been successfully submitted.” message, use the PayPal button at the bottom of the screen to submit the proper amount for membership. When using PayPal, please be sure to indicate you are paying for a membership in the notes. If you have a discount code, enter that as well.

STEP 1: Fill out application