Our Board:
President / CEO: Michael F Ballard

Michael F Ballard is the founder and CEO of the Historic Highway 99 Association of California. He has been researching the highway for over 30 years and has been working on various projects to help the roadway. In November 2018, he became president of the Ridge Route Preservation Organization, a group dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the historic Ridge Route between Castaic and Gorman. He has also developed and maintained an online tour of US 99 since 1996, which has slowly expanded from the Santa Clarita area to cover the route from near downtown Los Angeles to Tulare.
Secretary: Vicki Farmwald

Vicki Farmwald is the current Secretary of the Historic Highway 99 Association and has been a cartographer and travel specialist with a nationwide organization promoting assistance and aid to their members of the motoring public.
Treasurer: Nathan Beste
Director At Large: Chris Myers