
We are a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. Your tax-deductible donations will help fund our various projects, such as placing Historic Route signs, operating expenses, events, and much more. If you would like your donation to go to a specific project or use, make sure to let us know. Please use the methods below for donations. We are also able to accept other forms of donations such as photos, postcards, and other US 99 memorabilia for our archives. Contact us!

Thank you for your support.
Your help will bring life back to Historic US 99 in California and the towns along the way.

Our Federal EIN: 85-4190319

Via PayPal:

Via Check:

Make checks payable to: Historic Highway 99 Association of California

Send to:

Historic Highway 99 Association of California
PO BOX 178065
San Diego, CA 92177