The historic Pine and Palm in the Heart of California is planned to be removed in the next year and we need your help to save them!
Caltrans is planning to widen Highway 99 through the area to six lanes, which will necessitate the removal of the historic site. As a mitigation, they plan to plan 15 pines and palms along the southbound side of the highway. While a nice gesture, the elimination of the historic site is alarming and problematic. They are not proposing any additional measures at this time.
We propose the trees be relocated and saved if possible. We also propose that signs be placed at the location to mark the historic site and bring it further into public view. They could be relocated to the shoulder or possibly to a local museum. These trees, in one form or another, have marked the transition between Northern and Southern California since the 1920’s and they must not be lost to “progress”. Help us save these historic trees by writing to Caltrans District 6 and tell them you want to see these trees saved as well as the location marked properly. You can also contact the state Assembly and Senate representatives to assist in this effort.
While we have a design for the sign already, we are open to additional submissions. We intend to hold a public vote on the sign design in the near future.
We need your help! Contact us or donate if you’d like to get involved in our efforts!
Reference the “South Madera Six-Lane Project” and the Pine And the Palm when contacting them. Tell them the Historic Highway 99 Association of California sent you!
Caltrans District 6 Public Information Officer